Latin American Key Correspondent Team

The Spanish Key Correspondent team is a group of community-based chroniclers who united together to tell the world about a march of events concerning HIV/AIDS. These citizen journalists share the march of events in their communities for the purpose of generating change and igniting the decision-makers.The Corresponsales’ mission is to provide information in discussion forums on health and development from a grassroot and on-site perspective using these means to promote empowerment and mobilisation of civil society.

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

The new structure of the Global Fund

David Kim, of the Global Fund’s Strategy Team, gave a presentation on the new organisational structure that will be implemented from 2010.
The Global Fund presented its new structure for 2010 on the first day of the Latin American Regional Meeting of the Country Coordinating Mechanisms.

“The new structure will work on harmonisation, alignment and the secretariat. This will give the CCMs a major role, strengthening and helping them in their governance and management” explained David Kim, of the Global Fund’s Strategy Team.

The Global Fund structure currently in force was designed at the time of its creation and has continued improving over time. “This structure has favoured the achievement of impressive results”, acknowledged Kim.

The new structure is going to introduce simpler formats for the purpose of encouraging and facilitating information that the preceding rounds already had in the approved proposals. In addition, there will be two calls for proposals per year and each country can choose when they would like to present their proposal.

“We are hopeful that there will be more money for the Country Coordinating Mechanisms", mentioned Kim, who also added, in reference to performance management, that there needs to be more programmatic supervision in each country.

The new structure will be launched in May 2010 with new requests and in 2011 periodic supervision is going to be introduced.

By Mirta Ruiz
Key Correspondents Team – Asuncion, 8/12/09

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