Latin American Key Correspondent Team

The Spanish Key Correspondent team is a group of community-based chroniclers who united together to tell the world about a march of events concerning HIV/AIDS. These citizen journalists share the march of events in their communities for the purpose of generating change and igniting the decision-makers.The Corresponsales’ mission is to provide information in discussion forums on health and development from a grassroot and on-site perspective using these means to promote empowerment and mobilisation of civil society.

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

Presentation of the Friends of the Global Fund LAC

On 8 December 2009, the new phase of the Friends of the Global Fund Latin America and the Caribbean was presented within the scope of the Regional Meeting of CCMs and RCMs of the Global Fund’s fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
Friends of the Global Fund Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) are part of the network of 8 organisations, which in regions and countries that are developed or currently being develop, fulfil the role of being ambassadors of the Fund.

These independent entities have been created to increase knowledge, visibility and awareness about the three diseases and the Global Fund, and to carry out policy advocacy with the decision-makers in the public and private sector so that they can lend their political and financial support.

The Friends of the Global Fund Latin America and the Caribbean will be particularly centred on:

· Mobilising political, strategic and financial support for the fight against the three diseases in the region.
· Increasing understanding and support for the Global Fund.
· The main activities will be political advocacy, raising awareness campaigns, working with mass media, education about the Global Fund and research in terms of searching for more and better evidence about the three diseases.

Javier Hourcade Bellocq, Director of the Friends of Global Fund explained: "We would like to promote more significant participation by the governments, the private sector, educational institutions and civil society in all structures of the Global Fund. For example, within national, regional and international frameworks”.

He also went into detail about one of the great challenges in the region: “A higher profile of the region is needed on a world-wide basis and on the agenda of the donors. Hence, we must provide better evidence about the concentrated epidemics and demonstrate that if in one of our countries, we have a prevalence of 20 or 35% in a specific population, we are being severely battered by the epidemic”.

In terms of the role of civil society, he added: “There is a lot of work to be done by organised Civil Society on the response to HIV/AIDS, we still need to successfully mobilise the communities around the response to Tuberculosis and Malaria. It is difficult but it can be achieved”.

Javier Hourcade Bellocq recently left the Global Fund’s Governing Board where he represented the Communities of Persons living with HIV, TB and affected by Malaria and he is currently a regional representative for Latin American and the Caribbean in the International Alliance. The International Alliance shelters the Friends of the Global Fund.

The Friends of the Global Fund was formed in the International Conference on AIDS in Mexico in 2008 and was based in Columbia. This year, it was transferred to a new group of people who formed a team based in the city of Buenos Aires.

For more information:

Key Correspondents Team – Asuncion, 8/12/09

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